Cyborganic Instant Publisher

There are two ways to move your Web pages from the staging server to the live server, so the whole world can enjoy the fruits of your labor.
The best way is to login via telnet (you can get more help concerning telnet in the Toolbox in the Shed) to and enter one of the following, then hit return:

publish - updates your home page(s) to the live server.
publish cgi - updates your cgi-bin (if you have one)
publish [name of top level dir in /www/] - updates that if you're allowed to.

Or, if you dislike telnetting, you can use this form to move your local web pages over to the live server.

Fill out this form, then click Publish.


If you removed files from the staging server, would you like to:

remove them from the public server.
leave them on the public server.