The Reflecting Pool

The home page gone haywire!
These people publish about what they
know best. Personal publishing is the
true strength of the Net. Celebrate it.

Links from the Underground
The one! The only! Online since January 1994, Links is one of the preeminent personal publishing ventures on the Internet. From annotated lists of links to edge-riding autobiography, Justin is doing what the Web does best, and doing it better than anyone.

Snarly Central
Marjorie Ingall takes you on a world tour of crankiness, from the Amazon Rainforest to the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland, with stops at a High School for the Deaf, the first annual George Stephanopoulous Fan Club convention, a gynecologists' stirrups and the world of etiquette.

Rebecca's Revenge
Rebecca Eisenberg paints a vivid picture of her life. Having left a career as a lawyer, Rebecca has poured herself into the Web with a vengeance. Here is more than you ever needed to know about her. But once you start reading, you won't want to stop.

Bubbe's Back Porch
Drop by Bubbe's for a storytelling session with the grandmother of interface guru Abbe Don. Abbe presents her family stories in expert hypertext, the kind that makes you want to keep exploring. Contribute to this growing archive of family lore.

Documents Only
Follow David Steuer's journey through Germany and through his family history. A wealth of written materials and a dense web of hyperlinks makes this biography site a ripe venue for exploration. is a home page done right. Included are the usual biographical tidbits and lists of links. But there's more: a haunting piece of "word-music" that could only exist on the Web, Zen and the Art of Internet Surfing, and charming soundbytes from Dom's very own guitar.

Prose and pixels from our guiding light, Howard Rheingold. Yes, the man with the funny shoes. No other thinker, writer, or activist is so closely focused on what these tools mean for people . No other vision of online community strikes as clear a note in our hearts.