
Oh, I was so excited! I finally got to attend a TND in real life ... rather than on the space bar or hearing about it second hand. The thrill, the rush, the energy of actual human interaction is something that can never be replicated online. Fortunately, that is what Cyborganic is all about. The meeting of the virtual and the physical; not just the sense of really being there, but rather, really being there; what a rush.

Hanging out with the digerati elite is always a thrill. Whom to talk to first? Which Mac to play on? Which potato dish to sample?

Cu-SeeMe ...

First stop: CU-SeeMe station. Christine Siegel danced and performed for the spellbound audience of @Cafe in New York City, as Paul and Simon, among others, looked on. No text written here can quite capture the thrill of exchanging digital heartbeats with the wired public sitting at @Cafe in New York City and Seattle.

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